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TIME DECODER // 2020-2019

6 1/2 In Transition, Winterthur Sennhof

Werkserie, Auflage 3 und Clock No.1

Monotypie, Acryl, Collage, Stempel, Bleistift auf Papier // Alte Fabrikuhr mit Digitaldruck

Monotype, acrylic, collage stamp and pencil on paper

135 x 125 cm // Clock No.1 Durchmesser 27 cm Tiefe 5 cm

Time Decoder, monotypie, monotype, acryl, mixed media, world, numbers, lines, pencil, collage, contemporary art, mia diener, system
Time Decoder, monotypie, monotype, acryl, mixed media, world, numbers, lines, pencil, collage, contemporary art, mia diener, system
Time Decoder, monotypie, monotype, acryl, mixed media, world, numbers, lines, pencil, collage, contemporary art, mia diener, system
Time Decoder, monotypie, monotype, acryl, mixed media, world, numbers, lines, pencil, collage, contemporary art, mia diener, system
Time Decoder, monotypie, monotype, acryl, mixed media, world, numbers, lines, pencil, collage, contemporary art, mia diener, system
Time Decoder, monotypie, monotype, acryl, mixed media, world, numbers, lines, pencil, collage, contemporary art, mia diener, system
Time Decoder, clock, dgitalprint, monotypie, monotype, acryl, mixed media, world, numbers, lines, pencil, collage, contemporary art, mia diener, system
Time Decoder, clock, digitalprint, monotypie, monotype, acryl, mixed media, world, numbers, lines, pencil, collage, contemporary art, mia diener, system

TIME DECODER // 2020-2019

Kunsthaus Grenchen

Werkserie, Auflage 3

Monotypie, Acryl, Collage, Stempel, Bleistift auf Papier 

Monotype, acrylic, collage stamp and pencil on paper

105 x 69 cm

Time Decoder, monotypie, monotype, acryl, mixed media, world, numbers, lines, pencil, collage, contemporary art, mia diener, system
Time Decoder, monotypie, monotype, acryl, mixed media, world, numbers, lines, pencil, collage, contemporary art, mia diener, system
Time Decoder, monotypie, monotype, acryl, mixed media, world, numbers, lines, pencil, collage, contemporary art, mia diener, system

 © 2025

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