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SHIFT // 2016 

Galerie knoerle & baettig, Winterthur

Monotypie, Collage, Acryl und Stempel auf Papier

Monotype, collage, acrylic and stamp on paper

85 x 148 cm / Holzrahmen-Ellipse, wooden frame ellipse


Die Weltkarte in Ihren Grundformen verschoben, Kontinente und Länder überlappen und vermischen sich.

Die Grenzen verwischen und lösen sich auf, die Datenströme fliessen darüber hinweg und bilden eine neue Ordnung. 

The world map has been shifted in its basic forms, continents and countries overlap and mix.

The borders blur and dissolve, the streams of data flow across them and form a new order.

shift, monotype, collage, drawing, ellipse, continents, countries, data stream, borders, mia diener
shift, monotype, collage, drawing, ellipse, continents, countries, data stream, borders, mia diener
shift, monotype, collage, drawing, ellipse, continents, countries, data stream, borders, mia diener
shift, monotype, collage, drawing, ellipse, continents, countries, data stream, borders, mia diener
shift, monotype, collage, drawing, ellipse, continents, countries, data stream, borders, mia diener
shift, monotype, collage, drawing, ellipse, continents, countries, data stream, borders, mia diener

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